The kick-off meeting of DIASyM-2 took place on the 14th of July in the Biozentrum I of the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz.
DIASyM Research Core members gathered to share the latest results from the first and ongoing funding phase of the DIASyM Research Core and their perspectives on the future of the projects.
Kick-off meeting of DIASyM-2
Weekly seminar in DIASyM Research Core
To improve the scientific communication between the members of the DIASyM research core, we have established a weekly seminar in which the junior members present their results and share their experiences. In addition, renowned national and international scientists are invited to present their work and latest cutting edge results in virtual lectures (following table).
Computational Systems Medicine and Metabolomics Junior Research Groups
Starting in Summer 2022, Jun.-Prof. Elisa Araldi and Jun.-Prof. Thierry Schmidlin joined the DIASyM research core and started their junior research groups in Computational Systems Medicine and Metabolomics. With their expertise they will complement the DIASyM research core: They will facilitate the depth analyses and integration of complex data sets including proteome, lipidome, metabolome, transcriptome, genetics and deep clinical phenotyping to unravel the molecular architecture of the heart failure (HF) syndrome.
Summer School "Mass spectrometry meets systems medicine"
Ende September 2020 fand die erste MSCoreSys Summer School "Mass spectrometry meets systems medicine" in Bad Dürkheim statt.